
Black Flag Wing Chun Training with Master Kenneth Lin 9/12/10

Old 08-24-2010, 11:43 PM
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one question that comes up regularly is "where do you get ideas for jokes?"


victor leow (vikoga) > chung che man > kenneth lin

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Old 08-28-2010, 03:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Aaron McKillip View Post
You'll also hear about the latest and greatest research by the Ving
Tsun Museum.
curious about black flag


black flag website of 2005

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Old 09-16-2010, 07:47 AM
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lots of smoke screen and noise. Lin is not giving credit to Ngo Cho Kun Lo Han Kung Fu.

This is the same teacher brought up in the Ngo Cho thread back in 2007. I hear lots of people say Lin has Lo Han Kung Fu mixed with Vikoga wing chun. Its clear that from Ngo Cho Kun that one of the 5 ancestors was Lo Han. In Indo styles are mixed, so maybe Lin sees nothing wrong with making up stuff and telling as truth.

There are, of course, other teachers from different lineages. However, I don't know about them enough to recommend their instructions. These include (there could be more):

- Bonifacio Lim (Beng Kiam)- NJ area
- Ben Asuncion (Beng Kiam) - LA, CA area
- Mark Wiley (Bengkiam) - CO area if I am not mistaken.
- Jose Parman (I forgot) - San Jose, CA area
- John Graham (Chee Kim Tong) - Mobile, AL (more of his students in AL area)
- Kenneth Lim in VA area. He advertises more as a Wing Chun and Hokkian Eng Chun styles, but one of his teachers is from Gui In Lam lineage.
- Kam Lee (A Malaysian lineage that I forgot) in FL
- Lo Ban Teng group as represented by Lo Siauw Gok's lineage is ready to start teaching in USA. Lo Hak Lun, Lo Siauw Gok's son states that hopefully it will happen in less than a year.

It is unethical for me to comment on Bonifacio

I dont buy it.
look at there family tree from 2005 which you maybe aware of.
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Old 09-16-2010, 03:40 PM
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all that typing and still no ider what the seminar was about, or what was taught...

Originally Posted by Aaron McKillip View Post
This system has been around since the 1600's and to have made it to 2010 is a true testimony to not only it's authenticity but to its true essence of Chan and the true nature of Shaolin Wing Chun.
Are you sure this is right, or is someone rewriting history (again)? Does Aaron not understand the teaching at these seminars? Maybe that is why there is not talk of what was taught...

I thought Sifu Lin was very clear that HKB eng chun was NOT to be confused with Shaolin wing chun??

Per Sifu Lin: "The last word went to Sifu Lin, who stressed his role as current leader and the successor of the system; emphasizing on how HKB is its own unique identity, taking time to point out the importance of maintaining the HKB identity by not classifying it as something which it is not, and subsequently clarifying that HKB Wing Chun is not the same as Shaolin Wing Chun, in which HKB Wing Chun should never be called Shaolin Wing Chun.HKB Wing Chun is HKB Wingchun"

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Old 09-16-2010, 09:03 PM
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There are concerns in the martial arts world about the Black Flag Wing Chun stories. One of which was brought up on other forums. Why did your Sifu Benny Meng, VTM curator, Meng’s Martial Arts director, forum admin, forge a director’s workshop announcement and signature on February 25, 2010, 03:35:02 am? See forum threads below.

http://www.vt4um.nl/index.php?PHPSESSID=ol1ak58j641qdih23mernhbtd0&topic=859.msg4825#msg4825 reply #17 and


Aaron, as an individual standing in front of the Martial Arts/ Wing Chun world answer this:

Is this an ethical issue?

Is the VTM curator really incompetent and lacks the ability to present authentic information?

Are the VTM curator’s actions harmful to fundamental ethical principles and professionalism?

Does the VTM represent an institution or an individual acting on his own?

Does this action alone present a conflict of interest between Meng’s Martial Arts and the VTM?

Forgery is a crime. Fundamental ethical principles and professionalism is respect!
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Old 09-18-2010, 11:14 AM
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Black Flag Eng Chun's orginal family tree revealed and Ngo Cho Kun's Family tree

Ngo Cho Kun (5 ancestors) has a male/female history, like Black Flag Eng Chun. I'll show you how as best I can. Kenneth Lin's (Salim) martial arts background is known in Indo before he left. He learned Gui In Lam's Ngo Cho Kun lineage and then picked up Vikoga Wing Chun from Chung Che Man. When Lin came to America in 2005 he promoted Ngo Cho Kun and Vikoga Wing Chun as Ngo Cho Eng Chun Male/Female family tree. When he heard of VTM's promotion of Shaolin Wing Chun he started to change his story in the Indo forums and advertisement in America. He attached Shaolin Wing Chun stories that VTM promotes to make a transistion. Today Kenneth Lin is trying to erase his Ngo Cho Eng Chun male/female family tree and Gui In Lam's Ngo Cho Kun background by calling it Black Flag Wing Chun. He does this to declare himself grandmaster of Black Flag Wing Chun and promote his teacher Tio Tik Kwie's status. What does VTM gain from this? Money from magazine articles, books and Shaolin Wing Chun 3-halls program. There is always a motive. Sergio gains advertisement promotion for his large schools in Europe. But this is at the expense of Ngo Cho Eng Chun and maybe others.

Original Black Flag Wing Chun Male/Female branch:
Kenneth Lin called his kung fu "Ngo Cho Eng Chun USA Group" when he came to America but today in 2010 he has transitioned to Black Flag Wing Chun. His family tree had a male and female branch as he published originally. Lin promoted the male/female version of Ngo Cho Eng Chun USA Group. Lin himself at first stated to the VTM: “The system as it was passed down was preserved in two forms: a Male aspect and a Female aspect.” Today his orginal promotion has changed. Today he declares himself as the grandmaster of Black Flag Eng Chun while erasing the female side, Vikoga Wing Chun, from his family tree and Ngo Cho Kun from the male side.
Where did Lin come up with a story of male/female for his Ngo Cho Eng Chun? Lin used Ngo Cho Kun's family story for his self promotion and transistion to Shaolin Wing Chun Black Flag. You see Ngo Cho Kun has a story about a 6th ancestor who was female, I'll show soon. But first, here is Black Flag Wing Chun's orignal explaination in its transistion from Ngo Cho Eng Chun's male/female history.

Ngo Cho Eng Chun/Black Flag Eng Chun's male side (Lin's original):
For the male branch, Lin had Ngo Cho Kun 5 male ancestor family lineage and teachers. That's what he wanted us to believe. (Today this is Shaolin temple 5 Flag Wing Chun)
Ngo Cho Eng Chun/Black Flag Eng Chun's female side (Lin's original):
For the Female branch, he labeled Ng Mui & sometimes Yim Wing Chun. Lin learned various Wing Chun under Victor Leow's Vikoga Wing Chun family tree. (Today this is Shoalin Red Flag Wing Chun or some color)

So you see, Kenneth Lin originally married Ngo Cho Kun with Vikoga Wing Chun to call it Ngo Cho Eng Chun USA Group in 2005. This is where the Ngo Cho Kun's family story fits into his Black Flag Eng Chun promotion. You see Ngo Cho Kun is known to have a male/female story.

Ngo Cho Kun Male side:
Ngo Cho Kun has mixtures of 5 Ancestor styles: White Crane, Monkey, TaiZu(Grand Ancestor) and Lo Han (18 Immortals) and Tat Chun (Bodhidharma's method).
Ngo Cho Kun Female side:
Mysterious Female Fist (6th Ancestor)

Kenneth Lin's Ngo Cho Kun family lineage is from Gui In Lam.
Kenneth Lin's Wing Chun family lineage is from Vikoga Wing Chun.
Kenneth Lin called the marriage of Ngo Cho Kun and Vikoga Wing Chun, Ngo Cho Eng Chun.
Kenneth Lin has never denied learning Vikoga Wing Chun or Ngo Cho Kun.
Ngo Cho Kun is known to have a 6th female ancestor, Mysterious Female Fist.
VTM promotes a super secret Shaolin Wing Chun 3-halls ("Dim" for Fukien dialect effect) program.

This is the male/female story of Ngo Cho Kun! May the truth shine over Black Flag Eng Chun and the changing stories of Kenneth Salim, Benny Meng and Sergio!!!

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Old 09-23-2010, 04:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Aaron McKillip View Post
I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you for spending so much of your time advertising HKB Eng Chun!! Keep up the good work. Everything you write just helps us. Thank you.

Aaron McKillip
That's an interesting perspective -- "everything you write just helps us".

It's funny because I have a similar view, the more you guys write, the more you expose yourselves and the fraud. So keep up the good work. Thank you.
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Old 09-23-2010, 09:28 AM
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So what is really being said here?

Is Black Flag WCK a system created by Kenneth Lin combining VIKOGA WCK of Victor Leow, and Ngo Cho Kun and other Fujian Fist?

BTW, Mark Wiley is a Sifu in Ngo Cho Kun and resides and teaches in PA, not CO.
Robert Chu, PhD, L.Ac., QME

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Old 09-23-2010, 10:38 PM
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For the simple minded:
Kenneth Lin is really 5th or 6th generation Yip Man student. He is trying to be something he’s not. Wing Chun is Wing Chun.

Not for the simple minded:
There’s a difference between “creating and being honest” and “creating (stealing) and making up history as you go”. The power of Ngo Cho Kun (White crane, monkey, TaiZu, LoHan and TatMo) is in Lin’s mixed Kung fu. Wing Chun does NOT have Sam Chien Po. Ngo Cho Kun has Sam Chien Po. Ngo Cho Kun is a great system. The praises from Lin and Meng’s student is really about Ngo Cho Lohan. Yes it is exciting especially for westeners. But if you call it what it’s not and mix it with new terms, other lineage’s Kung Fu, it’s a lie, it’s fake. Black Flag Eng Chun says the nucleus is LoHan 18 hands, it true because it’s made with Ngo Cho Lohan Kung Fu, then Vikoga Wing Chun and then some Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun formula and maybe Sergio will add in some Chi Sim. Lin made himself grandmaster of a made up Wing Chun. Really he is a 5th or 6th a generation Yip Man student.

This is the power of Ngo Cho Kun, parallels what Lin’s /Meng’s students describe but they are blinded by the romance. GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE D@MIT! http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=827231&postcount=45
NCK consists of 5 styles, sort of melded into 1. The 5 styles each contribute their respective characteristics, which include the physical movements/strokes, the footwork, power generation, internal Qi development & deployment.
for e.g.

White Crane, BaiHe whipping, explosive power, fluid & fast arm
techniques, some footwork, mostly long &
mid-distance, with some close-in techniques.
Strikes are mostly with open palms, fingers and

Monkey, HouQuan quick, tight footwork, tight,close-in defense &
attack, locks & takedown, a lot of quick sneaky
techniques. Hands are in 'monkey paw' (open
hand with thumb tucked in). Has superior use of
body-mechanics, allowing smaller frame persons
to take larger opponents. We have low squat
stances, a few tumbles and somesaults, but far
lesser than other monkeys styles I've seen.

TaiZu very hard linear style (hardly any circular
movements), using the forearms & hands as
knives. Lots of power chops and slices, and
spearhand thrusts. Emphasizes a very upright
and 'face front' posture with very tight & solid
defences and attack, mainly at middle-distance,
with some long and short techniques.

LuoHan Similar to TaiZu with a very bold, upfront
posture, but with powerful but more 'looser'(less
close-in) movements, both circular and linear;
and a different power generation system. Mid to
long distance.
More use of fists.

TatMo Does not contribute physically to the forms, but
contributes the breathing, meditative and Qi
development aspects, to complement that of the
above arts.
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Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun (Black Flag Wing Chun) report and video

This post is a collection of post from kung fu forum that a black flag member erased because of their BS was exposed.  Some links are erased pertaining to Kenneth Lin or Xiang Fuk Lin, sorry but that is black flags doing.

Old 11-16-2010, 09:33 PM
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Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun (Black Flag Wing Chun) report and video

Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun (Black Flag Wing Chun) report and video

Black Flag Wing Chun teaser featuring Suhu GM Lin Xiang Fuk
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Old 11-16-2010, 10:17 PM
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is this suppose to be resembling SPM or Fujian Bak Hok now?

- Nergal, EVΛNGELIΘN -
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Old 11-16-2010, 10:45 PM
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the history behind this system is really sketchy IMHO.
My Club About Me 洪英社 (Hong Ying Youth Development)
Green Grass Monk (清草和尚)

the hood where i grew up
洪 * *.´. * 三 * 川 * 口 * 四 * 二 * 六 * 2B1A1

Congratulations Grandmaster Frank, you are now the founder of a new style or a new branch of CLF! We can now all kowtow to you, Grandmaster Frank.

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Old 11-16-2010, 11:58 PM
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sketchy is right. black flag weaser

black flag teaser is really Ngo Cho with Lin's mixture of borrowed wing chun.

Ngo Cho Kun ( 5 Ancestor kung fu) description below and video.

Lin is not giving Ngo Cho credit or the other wing chun lineages.

Originally Posted by boh View Post
Hi, sorry I came in a bit late into this conversation.

Xia, the Monkey description here may interest you.

A preamble: I am from the Malaysian, Chee Kim Thong Ngo Cho School. Have been practising it for > 30 yrs.

Speaking from our lineage's perspective, lets see if I can describe our art in a way that is less confusing.

NCK consists of 5 styles, sort of melded into 1. The 5 styles each contribute their respective characteristics, which include the physical movements/strokes, the footwork, power generation, internal Qi development & deployment.
for e.g.

White Crane, BaiHe whipping, explosive power, fluid & fast arm
techniques, some footwork, mostly long &
mid-distance, with some close-in techniques.
Strikes are mostly with open palms, fingers and

Monkey, HouQuan quick, tight footwork, tight,close-in defense &
attack, locks & takedown, a lot of quick sneaky
techniques. Hands are in 'monkey paw' (open
hand with thumb tucked in). Has superior use of
body-mechanics, allowing smaller frame persons
to take larger opponents. We have low squat
stances, a few tumbles and somesaults, but far
lesser than other monkeys styles I've seen.

TaiZu very hard linear style (hardly any circular
movements), using the forearms & hands as
knives. Lots of power chops and slices, and
spearhand thrusts. Emphasizes a very upright
and 'face front' posture with very tight & solid
defences and attack, mainly at middle-distance,
with some long and short techniques.

LuoHan Similar to TaiZu with a very bold, upfront
posture, but with powerful but more 'looser'(less
close-in) movements, both circular and linear;
and a different power generation system. Mid to
long distance.
More use of fists.

TatMo Does not contribute physically to the forms, but
contributes the breathing, meditative and Qi
development aspects, to complement that of the
above arts.

* note: 'long-distance' means distances between outstrecthed arms to kick-reach.
'mid' is between out-stretched arm to forearm length distance.
'short/close-in' is anything less than above.

For us there are 18 forms, starting with Sam Chien of course. In the forms, each of the 5 styles are blended in, so within the 18 forms, we don't have a Monkey or Crane form, they are Ngo Cho forms. But within the froms, with some strokes, you can tell quite clearly its from Crane or Monkey etc.. With other you can't. For e.g. our Sam Chien is about 75% Crane.

In addition to the 18 forms, our lineage also has Sam Chien for each of the 4 styles, ie: one for Monkey, Crane, TaiZu, LuoHan, which you get to learn when you're more senior.

So when you learn Ngo Cho, you learn Ngo Cho, and not Crane, TaiZu etc.... at least in the beginning. But having said that, as you get to master Ngo Cho, you also get to understand/learn the specific techniques of its component styles. Once you can do that, you can then 'manifest' a stroke, say a block, with the nuances of Crane, together with its power generation/Qi techniques. OR combine a Crane type strike with Monkey footwork.... this is when it gets really interesting! Learn Ngo Cho and get 4 styles for the price of one! But seriously, "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts".

Also, in our lineage, we emphasize a lot in the internal Qi development, as musch as (or more?) than the so called "internal martial arts".
We also emphasize a lot on 'sticking & listening' (like Wing Chun ChiSao), for profficiency with sensitivity with hand-to-hand contact. 'Hardening' and hand-conditioning' exercises are standard, and bruises on forearms are not uncommon during training.
For us, we neither call our style hard of soft, close-in or long distance, because we have it all. The 5(4) styles give a profficient Ngo Cho practicioneer many techniques to choose from, in application. For example, in an exercise/sparring our techniques may start of soft, but power thru with a hard attack, then change to soft again... Part of the mastering the art is to be able to switch fluidly between the different power-systems/techniques, hard or soft, close-in, mid, long distance.

We also have this thing called "heavy hands", which means being able to deploy power to the arms so that its difficult for an opponent to deflect or block an attack. And this "heaviness" can be used irregardless of whether the stroke is hard or soft, at long, mid, short distances. To develop this we do a lot of 2 man exercises, where we use the 'sticking & listening' with 'heavy hands'. And this is not just 'push-hands' or 'roll-hands', but with fairly powerful push/pulls, strikes and blocks; where if an opponent makes a mistake, he may be 'bounced' 2 or 3 steps backwards. The 'heaviness' and sensitivity training is intricately linked with the 'internal' aspects of the art.
Originally Posted by taokum View Post
For the simple minded:
Kenneth Lin is really 5th or 6th generation Yip Man student. He is trying to be something he’s not. Wing Chun is Wing Chun.

Not for the simple minded:
There’s a difference between “creating and being honest” and “creating (stealing) and making up history as you go”. The power of Ngo Cho Kun (White crane, monkey, TaiZu, LoHan and TatMo) is in Lin’s mixed Kung fu. Wing Chun does NOT have Sam Chien Po. Ngo Cho Kun has Sam Chien Po. Ngo Cho Kun is a great system. The praises from Lin and Meng’s student is really about Ngo Cho Lohan. Yes it is exciting especially for westeners. But if you call it what it’s not and mix it with new terms, other lineage’s Kung Fu, it’s a lie, it’s fake. Black Flag Eng Chun says the nucleus is LoHan 18 hands, it true because it’s made with Ngo Cho Lohan Kung Fu, then Vikoga Wing Chun and then some Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun formula and maybe Sergio will add in some Chi Sim. Lin made himself grandmaster of a made up Wing Chun. Really he is a 5th or 6th a generation Yip Man student.

This is the power of Ngo Cho Kun, parallels what Lin’s /Meng’s students describe but they are blinded by the romance. GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE D@MIT! http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=827231&postcount=45
Old 11-17-2010, 11:58 AM
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Old 11-17-2010, 12:07 PM
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Ngo Cho Ving Tsun in indonesia
Ving Tsun Group was founded in 2001 by Kenneth Salim

Instructor`s Background

Kenneth Salim was born in Surabaya, Indonesia. At the age of 10, he started to study Shaolin Kungfu. The first Kungfu was Ngo Cho Kun and Thay Co Kun, which emphasizes the Sam Chien Element. In 1994, He met his Wingchun sifu. While learning* Ngo Chor/Thay co, he always assumed that with enough proper training of Sam Chien, he could generate a very powerful attack called "Fa Jing", which can destroy a whole internal organ. However, after meeting his Wingchun sifu, his powerful attacks were soon neutralized by the new wingchun techniques, after that he started to learned under him.

can you tell us who was that wing chun guy (him)?
there are many questions here…can you give us some answers?

Brasil Beware of Black Flag Five Flags Bandits

The Black Flag treachery continues
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Old 11-17-2010, 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted by taokum View Post
black flag teaser is really Ngo Cho with Lin's mixture of borrowed wing chun.

Ngo Cho Kun ( 5 Ancestor kung fu) description below and video.

Lin is not giving Ngo Cho credit or the other wing chun lineages.

Wow! You really obviously have no idea what we are studying. With all the research you are doing I am surprised to see you put this video on here. When you watch it you can see the whole body, the breath, and the mind are completely connected. Not detached like they should be. You can even hear him breathing really loud (pushing the air out) for better power. We do not generate power that way. The movements in only a couple of things look similar. All in all this form is nothing like ours. What you can derive from this is that they both came from the Shaolin temple. That's about it. Where everything stops is when you start talking about the detachment. I'm not going to bother trying to explain that to you.

We do not do Ngo Cho Kun. These are 2 Systems that came from the Southern Shaolin temple at the same time. There are many other systems that share things in common just like these. That does not mean one stole from the other. They all came from the same place at the same time.

Aaron McKillip
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Old 11-17-2010, 11:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Aaron McKillip View Post
Wow! You really obviously have no idea what we are studying. With all the research you are doing I am surprised to see you put this video on here. When you watch it you can see the whole body, the breath, and the mind are completely connected. Not detached like they should be. You can even hear him breathing really loud (pushing the air out) for better power. We do not generate power that way. The movements in only a couple of things look similar. All in all this form is nothing like ours. What you can derive from this is that they both came from the Shaolin temple. That's about it. Where everything stops is when you start talking about the detachment. I'm not going to bother trying to explain that to you.

We do not do Ngo Cho Kun. These are 2 Systems that came from the Southern Shaolin temple at the same time. There are many other systems that share things in common just like these. That does not mean one stole from the other. They all came from the same place at the same time.

Aaron McKillip
WOW, that's all you have to say after all the post I made, the only reply is to a video but nothing on Kenneth Lin. Lol.

What do you really know about Ngo Cho? Only what Benny & Lin tell you? that’s all. Besides what does Benny and Lin really know about Wing Chun besides jumping from one Wing Chun to another? There is more to Ngo Cho Kun than you even know! Lin stresses different characteristic of 5 Ancestor as do different Ngo Cho practitioner. Tell me this, what do you know about the Wing Chun guy who neutralized Kenneth Lin’s Ngo Cho power attacks in 1994? Who was he?
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Old 11-17-2010, 11:32 PM
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traveling "certificate grandmasters"

In Java and Malaysia, I know Kenneth Salim. Kenneth is from Ngo Cho Kun Goei In Nam Pai which is a branch from Ngo Cho Kun Ho Yang Pai. I know Kenneth did not know wing chun before 1994. I know Kenneth combined Ngo Cho Kun and Wing Chun in Indo and called it Ngo Cho Eng Chun. Kenneth is the founder of Ngo Cho Eng Chun. I know Kenneth learned Yip Man Wing Chun and is really a 6th generation student. I know Kenneth used Ngo Cho stories like the male/female version. I know Kenneth used Ngo Cho master Goei In Nam’s migration from Fukien to Indonesia to parallel Pun Jiao. Goei In Nam is in Lin’s family lineage. Ngo Cho has a female version of Ngo Cho, “Mysterious Female fist”. I know Black flag was never in Kenneth Lin’s “Indonesia Division Group” Ngo Cho Eng Chun family tree in 2004 (see below). I know many Chinese came from China in the 1900’s including black flag gang members. 1907 Pun Jioa is a black flag gang member.

I have followed Benny Meng’s post in the past. His “research” is really geared towards his conflicts of interests. Benny Meng and Sergio are associated through Andreas Hoffman & Chi Sim, however, both Sergio and Benny were “dismissed” from Chi Sim. Now both Sergio and Meng are in Lin’s Black Flag gang. Both claim to be “grandmasters”, they are living beyond their time and space, somewhere in fantasy land. LOL. The self title of “researcher” by Meng and Sergio is ridiculous. For them researcher = conflict of interest ...$$

Kenneth Lin is now Grandmaster of a made up black flag mixed marital arts (BFMMA(trademark & copyright)) and said he was lineage holder since 2000. That a bunch of BS because he was promoting Ngo Cho Eng Chun before and after 2000. Lin is really a 6th generation Yip Man Wing Chun student. (see family trees: Ngo Cho Eng Chun). Kenneth past is Ngo Cho, the so call researchers carelessly ignore Black Flag Mixed Martial Arts (BFMMA (trademark & copyright)) Ngo Cho signatures. In 1994 Kenneth’s Ngo Cho was defeated by Wing Chun, so he started to learn Wing Chun and there started the mixing with Ngo Cho and evolution of BFMMA (trademark & copyright). Meng and Sergio have no idea how to research Martial arts, they are only thinking of certificates, grandmaster titles and money.

All this mess together is so simple to put together. Benny and Sergio have set themselves up as grandmasters of certificates to keep their pre-Lin organizations intact and to keep the money flowing. Lin set himself up as grandmaster of a fake wing chun to grow his fake trademark and copyright marketing lineage while trying to erase his real past of Ngo Cho + other wing chun. Each so call “certificate grandmaster” supports and promotes each other through their idiotic international student base for their egotistic “grand masters” club.

Real research would have concentrate on who defeated Kenneth Lin in 1994.
Real research would have investigated Pun Jiao connections to Black flag/5 flags bandits and where he really came from? Is “Jap Pun Jiao” in Lin’s family tree really short for “Japanese Pun Jiao”? Was Pun Jiao a spy for Japan to help the 5 flag bandits? Real research would look for the answers of Lin's claims and charts.
Real research would have dug into Lin’s multi-lineage past and different family trees.

I know more about Kenneth Lin’s past than Benny Meng’s latest “research”. His so called Ving Tsun Museum is full of lies and insults.

Benny, you need to take a long vacation and “research” yourself and research why Moy Yat withdrew his support from the VTM and why he sent his students to demand Moy Yat’s chops back!
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Old Yesterday, 09:30 AM
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there is a public outcry about selling black flag everywhere

Taking another look at Black Flag historical claim
There is a little bit of misinformation going on by both sides of the argument here. The black flag bandits 黑旗 were most certainly part of the 5 flagged bandit groups on Shangdong. Many don't know this, but Shangdong was a very rich province in the mid to late 1800's time period. It was something of a cultural center for the manchurian people at the time and was a small mecca for trade coming through korean and japan. Additionally, there was a solid economy based not only on a large trade/merchant population but also abundant natural resources being harvested (mining, etc) which added to the area's wealth. It was because of Shangdong's wealth and distance from the central core of the crumbling government of the late 1800's up through the new china era it had a LOT of problems with banditry.

Now, the shangdong black flag bandits actually were documented to exist as early as the 1850's, but at that time they only had somewhere between a few hundred to a few thousand members. They existed but really were only minor players for a long time. They were notable in the early 1900's because as the government fell apart, and the war with Japan was brewing, more and more people joined the bandit groups out of a need for safety. If a person didn't belong to or have the protection of a gang, they were certain to be robbed and killed. Your options were either to leave, join the increasingly corrupt army or join a gang. By the time that the Black Flag gang were documented as having helped the japanese (1920's-1940's) their ranks had swelled up to about 100,000 members. That's why they were a noteworthy organization during the 1900's time period, they had a lot of muscle.

However, as they were outlawed by the government, over time more and more of them split away and went into hiding, especially the time leading up to the new china era. This is why I believe that it's entirely possible that Mr. Kenneth Lin's grandteacher came over from fujian. While the black flags were not documented in fujian, its likely because that it is because they were members of the gang who were hiding out. Being they were in Shangdong, a costal province, to relocate to fujian and then further south to indonesia would not have been difficult. As a reference, look at this map of Qing era china:


After losing all of their membership/muscle in Shangdong, and additionally keeping a low profile, the gang would have no reason to be documented in Fujian. Then, because the Black flag gang were still on the run, it is likely based on Lin's story that they continued running all the way to Indonesia to avoid capture and execution. This would match up exactly with the Black flag claims about being in Indonesia in the early 1900's, approximately 1907.

Also, If you look on the internet for Thé King Yang (claimed black flag ancestor), you'll find a bunch of reference to him in indonesian kung fu forums as a black flag gang member. Additionally, they discuss his system as a “Lohan/5 ancestor” type of boxing system. If he did indeed pass through fujian, it is likely that he could have learned Lohan boxing there, it is a very popular system in that region. Reading what's out there, I'm pretty surprised that Sifu Kenneth Lin didn't advertise his art as Black Flag Lohan Quan. If he did so, I doubt he would have gotten anywhere near the negative attention he's gotten from the Wing Chun community.

Hope this clears everything up. Good training to everybody.
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Old Yesterday, 04:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Aaron McKillip View Post
There is a buzz around the world right now and it is HKB Eng Chun.
I think that buzz you hear is called "laughter." And the punchline is HKB Eng Chun.
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Old Yesterday, 10:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Aaron McKillip View Post
First you have to learn how to detach the body. Which means you do not use muscle power to punch with. Using muscles means you need to have a good base. It also means you can be beaten by a guy with bigger muscles.
"Detaching" or "Delinking" the body is a bunch or theoretical garbage. Every punch in any circumstances uses muscle contraction of some sort.

You are being sold a bill of goods and taught simple relaxation as opposed to muscle tension. Any good striker learns this, including good boxers. You cannot tense all over and have any kind of velocity in delivery.

The people teaching you this are setting up strawman arguments constructing depictions of other systems as being overly tense. They are not.

If you are detached, in combat someone can disable your leg and you are still just as dangerous. Or if they disable your arm it won't matter either. When you hit something there is no recoil because there is no attachment.
Absolute BS. The human body works in muscle chains. I guarantee you if I knee bar you, or heel hook you destroying leg joints you won't hit jack sh1t except the floor and a hospital. The same with well placed Thai leg kicks. Or arm joint destructions.
Plus HKB does not need any space at all between the hand and the target to deliver a blow that can knock someone out or worse. This is the idea behind the 0 inch, 1,2,3 inch punch. The problem is that everyone that is doing it now is using pushing power.
Pushing = using structure or muscle for power.
Complete deluded BS. There are plenty of "ideas" beyond all this short punch crap that all falls by the wayside in a live environment when someone is hitting you back.
Mostly pushing power is used in the systems I have knowledge of. The other way of generating power that I have seen and have done myself is an Internal method, but the body and the breath are still connected.
You are a noob and have little knowledge of power generation in most systems.

Detachment is the way we begin to learn how to "transfer power". Then there is different levels of ability of releasing power.
"Detachment" is a marketing term. It mostly describes what happens between you, your wallet, and your sifu.
This is a very small expination, but I hope it helps.
It helps describe your state of delusion very well.
I would like to add that there are a great many Grandmasters and Masters from all over the world that have recently met with Grandmaster Lin and Master Meng from many different systems and lineages and were all very impressed with the information that is offered in HKB. So when I say this is different and it is the real deal. I am not even close to the only one saying this. There is a buzz around the world right now and it is HKB Eng Chun.

Aaron McKillip
Yeah, buzz. What you are experiencing is multi-level marketing schemes. Someone is selling you snake oil. Good luck with all that.
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Old Today, 12:59 AM
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Kenneth Lin's 5-flags wing chun story

The story of Lin the nobody in Ngo Cho and Wing Chun:
Lin grew up learning Ngo Cho from many Ngo Cho teachers. He was one of many, really a nobody in Ngo Cho. He always had big boyhood dreams of becoming a Kung Fu grand master. Little Kenny worked his butt off to develop his Ngo Cho power generation thinking he on his way to reach his dream until he met his 1994 Wing Chun sifu. In his own word he said Wing Chun neutralized his powerful Sam Chian so he became a student of Wing Chun. If you look at his family tree or saw his old websites (now erased) he is really a nobody in both Wing Chun and Ngo Cho. He tried to be a somebody in the Indonesian Martial Arts Forum but you will see that he deleted a few dozen of his posts. Little Lin wasn’t making much progress with 5 Ancestors trying to convince the many other 5 Ancestor practitioners in SE Asia and Indonesia. Nobody Lin had to move to another country to make his dream come true and change his strategy.

Lin’s made up 5-flags Wing Chun:
There is a public outcry to Lin’s propaganda to associate black flag 5-flags bandits to Chinese Kung Fu – Wing Chun. Lin said there was 5 flags wing chun and that black flag was the most dangerous. How can someone say such a crazy lie? To understand you have to understand Lin’s background. Lin grew up in Indonesia, his dad grew up in Indonesia, his grandfather came from Fukien. Lin grew up so far displaced from Chinese history. One of his many mistakes in trying to make up 5-flags Wing Chun without knowing Chinese history. #1 There never was a 5-flags wing chun in Chinese history! #2 Lin’s 5-flags colors do not match Hung Mun, specifically the yellow color. #3 Lin’s 5-flags color match the 5-flags bandits! #4 Black flag 5-flags bandits are documented by the Chinese government #5 the black flag and yellow flag 5 flags bandits dispersed and were in hiding throughout China. This put Lin’s 1907 Pun Jiao in the same location and time period other black flag 5 flags bandits were hiding and undocumented.

New name, new history and contricitions.
1907: Pun Jiao
1975: God’s gift to the VTM is born.
1985: Kenneth Lin starts 5 Ancestors (NCK)
1994: Kenneth Lin’s 5 Ancestors is defeated by a Wing Chun Sifu.
2003: Kenneth Lin advertises 5 Ancestor and Wing Chun in Japan and “Ngo Cho Wing Chun” changes name to Kenneth Lim.
2004: Kenneth Lin creates “Ngo Cho Ving Tsun” family tree and goes by this Indonesian name Kenneth Salim. In his own words on his website for this time period he says his Ngo Cho power was neutralized by Wing Chun.
2005: Kenneth Lin created a sloppy “Ngo Cho Eng Chun” family tree with male and female Wing Chun and goes by the name Kenneth Lin.
2008: Meets VTM with new name and new history. Introduce new name HKB Black Flag Eng Chun and 5-flags wing chun starts to use name Lin Xiang Fuk. New history is he inherited Black Flag Eng Chun in 2000, said he started HKB in 1985. (In the background he erases few dozen post on Indonesia Martial Arts forums.) Said in VTM report that “after 1970 Sujo began to reveal the full history of the system, including the name of the system, the origins, the forefathers,. 1994 he first learned wing chun! lots of contradictions.
2010 Lin, Meng, Sergio are trying to shove this BS down the Wing Chun communities throat with Hung Mun, stupid student testimonies projects, youtube videos.

You see the little boy who grew up to be nobody in Ngo Cho and Wing Chun tried very hard to be somebody so he was dishonest and lied to make up 5-flags wing chun and black flag wing chun. The little boy did not learn his Chinese history well so he has insulted billions of Chinese people and the Wing Chun community. Does he think we are that stupid?
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Old Today, 01:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Wayfaring View Post
"Detaching" or "Delinking" the body is a bunch or theoretical garbage. Every punch in any circumstances uses muscle contraction of some sort.

You are being sold a bill of goods and taught simple relaxation as opposed to muscle tension. Any good striker learns this, including good boxers. You cannot tense all over and have any kind of velocity in delivery.

The people teaching you this are setting up strawman arguments constructing depictions of other systems as being overly tense. They are not.

Absolute BS. The human body works in muscle chains. I guarantee you if I knee bar you, or heel hook you destroying leg joints you won't hit jack sh1t except the floor and a hospital. The same with well placed Thai leg kicks. Or arm joint destructions.

Complete deluded BS. There are plenty of "ideas" beyond all this short punch crap that all falls by the wayside in a live environment when someone is hitting you back.
Ridiculous... Power comes from faith, knowledge and belief not to mention an overwhelming desire to think our money and time was/is well spent..
Jim Hawkins
"You should have kicked him in the ball_..."—Sifu
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Old Today, 09:12 AM
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Your allegations of Kenneth Lin/Lim/Salim aka Lin Xiang Fuk are startling.

It would indicate many aliases and would imply that Black Flag WCK is all made up - basically a combination of WCK and Ngo Cho Kun, sold and marketed under some unrelated historical facts.

I think its fine if you make up your own system, especially if it has merit. But to use history and try to distort facts is misrepresentation.
Robert Chu, PhD, L.Ac., QME

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Old Today, 09:41 AM
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Your info on the Hung Mun is most enlightening! My hope is we do not see a scarlet-red, white or green flag WCK. LOL!

The last line in my co-authored book Complete Wing Chun still summed it up best.
I hope so too. Throughout history there has been many bandit gangs in china that tried to hide under the cover of the Hung Mun.
My Club About Me 洪英社 (Hong Ying Youth Development)
Green Grass Monk (清草和尚)

the hood where i grew up
洪 * *.´. * 三 * 川 * 口 * 四 * 二 * 六 * 2B1A1

Congratulations Grandmaster Frank, you are now the founder of a new style or a new branch of CLF! We can now all kowtow to you, Grandmaster Frank.

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Old Today, 01:35 PM
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as for the hung mun society [There is no yellow color in the “universal flag for the five lodges” Hung Mun.] clearly lin (Xiang Fuk Lin ) account matches the colors of 5 flag bandits.

kenneth lin's 5 flag wing chun story:
黑旗(black flag) wing chun
红旗(red flag) wing chun
黄旗(yellow flag) wing chun
绿旗(green flag) wing chun
白旗(white flag) wing chun

there're no 5 flag wing chun societies in chinese history.

in history there're 5 flag bandits colors: 黑旗(black flag), 红旗(red flag), 黄旗(yellow flag), 绿旗(green flag), 白旗(white flag).

lin's (2004) hkb eng chun family tree...
ip man > wong shun leung > david peterson > victor leow >chung che man >kenneth lin

lin's (2004) hkb ngo cho family tree
?...pun jiao....king yang... tio tik kwie...kenneth lin

lin's hkb eng chun = ip man wing chun + pun jiao ngo cho
lin's hkb = pun jiao (black flag gangster)
lin's eng chun = ip man wing chun (foshan detective)
pun jiao (black flag gangster) came from 5 flag secret society: 黑旗(black flag), 红旗(red flag), 黄旗(yellow flag), 绿旗(green flag), 白旗(white flag).
hung mun “universal flag for the five lodges” : there is no yellow flag (brown flag)

( fact): pun jiao came from 5 flag bandits
mr zhou yuan got something to say about this black flag group


(中国新闻快讯) 近日电影叶问与咏春拳的放映令人们对中国文化再起热潮,各种评论纷至,有位 山东籍的赵元 先生,报社投稿,发表了一篇令人深思的文章。

赵先生陈述如下:“在看完电影《叶问》后,其儿子在美国网路上看到一位自称教授咏春拳的 美国华人,竟 胡言乱语称黑旗会与少林寺咏春拳有关。这实在是对中国历史和武林野史不认识,不了解或别有用心 的鼠辈。

我原籍山东,我祖父母一家全死在黑旗会土匪之乱。当年日本侵略我东三省,,五旗会是山东 一带的响马贼 ,五旗会中,尤以黑旗会最令人发指,盖因该会实为汉奸,帮日本人杀害中国民众与军人,这在中国 近代史上是有 案可稽的。

中国武术在国外很受欢迎,但是有一些居心不良的骗子在国外竟敢篡改历史,称这帮五旗会土匪为反 清复明的地下 组织,实在是最大的谎言。黑旗会的土匪如其名---心很黑:替日本鬼子杀害无数中国同胞。现在,我竟在网上看到这样一位认贼作父的美国华人混蛋在 胡言乱语,其 所作所为实在是令每个中国人忍无可忍,这与日本人否认南京大屠杀有何分别?是对我中国人的最大 侮辱。这是咱 们中国人的无知,还是恶梦不散?我们中国人不能麻木了,站起来戳穿汉奸嘴脸,捍卫武林尊严!
讀者 赵元

(China News Express) and Wing Chun’s “Ip Man” recent film screening is renewing enthusiasm for Chinese culture and history. All kinds of comments and divergent thinking were generated from a native of Shandong Province, Mr. Zhao Yuan, a newspaper contributor, who published a thought-provoking article.
Mr. Zhao stated as follows:

"In watching the movie, "Ip Man" and after his grandson saw on the internet that a Chinese American in the United States claim to teach Wing Chun. Actually it was a lot of nonsense that stated black flag is related to Shaolin Wing Chun. This is unofficial Chinese history and the Martial Arts community does not know, understand or understand the ulterior motive.

I am a native of Shandong Province; my grandparents were killed by black flag bandit rebels. During this time the Japanese had invaded Manchuria and used black flag. Black flag was one of the five flag societies in Shandong Province. The five flags were Horse Thieves, robbers and killers, especially black flag was the most heinous. Black flag, the puppet of the Japanese, were the real traitors. Black flag helped the Japanese kill Chinese people and soldiers; this is all well documented in modern day Chinese history.

Chinese martial arts are very popular abroad, but there are some ill-intentioned liars who dare tamper with history of foreign countries. It is said that the bandit gang of five flag was an underground organization for the anti-Manchurian, but it is the biggest lie! Black Flags is the name of bandits with hearts of black: for many Chinese patriots who were killed by Japanese devils and black flag. Now, to see such lies on the internet, is betrayal to give himself glory, it’s not right that this Chinese ******* in the United States spread nonsense, hypocrisy and pain. His behavior is that every Chinese who died was no different than the Japanese denying the Nanjing Massacre! What is the difference? For me this is the greatest insult in my life to the Chinese people! Is this our Chinese people's ignorance or nightmare ghost? We, Chinese, cannot be numb, stand up and expose traitors! Martial artist defend our dignity! “

Last edited by RB93SAAT; Today at 01:43 PM.